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How To Disinfect Your Inflatable Bath or Hot Tub

Using your inflatable bath is fun buthygiene should always be a priority with this bath to prevent spread of disease-causing germs or Recreational Water Illness (RWI). Despite the smaller size of the baths, cleanliness must be carefully monitored. To ensure proper hygiene, it is good to drain the bath’s water and clean it after every use. Cleaning should be accompanied by disinfecting to completely eradicate microorganisms responsible for many illnesses.

Some things you will need for the cleaning of your inflatable bath include a 5-gallon bucket, chlorine-based liquid disinfectant, garden hose and a clean rag or soft scrub brush. The first step in the cleaning procedure is draining the water in the bath. This is essential as pool water that has stayed for long is responsible for much RWIs contamination. Draining the bath water may seem wasteful and refilling the tub after every use may feel like a hassle but each is worth in reducing spread of disease-causing germs which may be costly to treat especially with a tight budget.

After draining the inflatable bath, fill a 6-gallon bucket with water and add ¼ cup of chlorine based liquid disinfectant in the water. This liquid disinfectent can be bought at any swimming pool supply store. The disinfectant can also be used in your home swimming pools to maintain hygiene. Dip your clean rag in the water and disinfectant solution and rub the interior of the bath. A soft scrub brush can also work. Pay attention to the bottom of the bath and areas with seams where germs may hide. After a thorough cleaning of your bath, use running water from a hose to rinse the bath completely so that no traces of disinfectant remain.

After proper rinsing, the inflatable bath can be left out in the sun to dry completely for about four hours. After the 4 hours elapse, inspect the bath to ensure that it is dry before storing it away. Cleaning with disinfectant should be regular. Ensure that hygiene is highly practiced with your bath. For instance, if you have a child with diarrhea or bouts of vomiting, it’s better to keep him or her away from the bath to avoid spreading the bacteria causing germs to other users of the pool or bath. Changing the water alone for your bath is therefore not enough, always clean and disinfect just to be sure that you and your family stay healthy from controllable diseases.

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