WEEE Recycling

How does WEEE work?
From the 13th of August 2005 retailers are obliged to take back WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) from members of the public free of charge. This new EU directive ensures that all historic WEEE products are collected, treated and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner.
What products can I recycle for free?
Large Domestic Appliances – washing machines, cookers, dishwashers etc.
Cooling Appliances – Refrigerators, freezers etc.
Small Domestic Appliances – keyboards, toasters, electrical tools
Display Equipment – Computer monitors, CRT, LCD and plasma televisions
Batteries – rechargeable and single use
Lighting - Gas discharge lights, fluorescent tubes, low energy lightbulbs (CFLs)
Black Label Jacuzzi Ltd. will take back your WEEE on a one-for-one, like-for-like basis, free of charge at the time of delivery or we can take product which contains battery what we sell and recycle in our office in Limerick. Waste batteries are taken back in our office in Limerick on a one-for- zero basis (i.e. no purchased required) as long as they are of equivalent type to that sold by us. WEEE and waste batteries can also be returned to your local civic amenity site free of charge. The following link will show you how to find the civic amenity site closest to you where you can recycle your WEEE, batteries and light bulbs, https://www.weeeireland.ie/household-recycling/where-can-i-recycle/. Never put WEEE, batteries or light bulbs in any of your bins.